Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012

Spoiler Alert!

Well, this time, I won't write much aside from the review of The Dark Knight Rises (TDKR) and compare the villain the main villains.

In the beginning of TDKR, Batman had to fight a villain named Bane. A disciple of Ra's Al-Ghul, Batman's mentor, who's plan is to destroy Gotham for good.

Well, Bane's persona, as far as I can see and remember, resembles the combination of both Joker and Ra's Al-Ghul. His desire to bring destruction to Batman as an individual as well as Gotham and his ability to 'control' the mass' is pretty similar to Joker although it seems to be a bit inferior, as his method of achieving them is via brute force. Which was Ra's Al-Ghul's path towards Gotham's destruction. He was able to bring Batman into his downfall by beating him into a half-death condition and tortured him by showing the destruction of Gotham. However, this was possible because he had his hands on a nuclear bomb.

The usage of Bane as Batman's nemesis in TDKR successfully improved the 'action' in the movie and added the taste of 'complexity'. Overall, I'd say this movie deserves a 8.5/10. Oh btw, that was based on the villain only. If all of the aspects such as the story line and the portrayal of other characters are counted, I'd give a 9.5/10. But I don't want to spoil too much lol.

Now, the comparison between Bane and Joker. As I've mentioned before, Bane successfully took control of  Gotham by oppression. He was able to bring despair into Batman by beating him in a hand to hand combat and showed that Batman stood no chance. This was possible because Batman had 'retired' for years and wasn't able to unleash his maximum combat potential. Bane in different ways, can be pictured as Gotham's version of Hitler.

Joker, on the other hand, used almost no brute force. What he did was simple. Manipulating the truth and bring doom to Batman's state of mind as well as the city. He was able to destroy Gotham's only hope, Harvey Dent, by dragging him into the dark side and turn him into a murderous villain. He managed to totally twist the meaning of good and bad and made people dance on his hands just like puppets.

As for Ra's Al-Ghul.. nevermind him. It's been quite a while since I last watched Batman Begins and I don't feel like writing anymore lol. Anyways, I prefer Joker out of the 3 villains as he nearly destroyed the city almost without being involved directly.

Btw, I know some of the wordings are off and not as good as other reviewers. But bear with it. I'm not a professional reviewer and I've lost a lot of my vocabularies and I've never been that rich in it to begin with lol.

Jumat, 13 Juli 2012

Food for thought

Don't expect things.
It may not be the way you're seeing it.
It might just be a delusion.
You might be wrong.
Just live on.

Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

The Revelation

And so, it has begun. The revelation. Yang dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya.. gw lupa kata yang bener2 tepat buat ngartiinya lol. Anyways, iya, gw udah berhasil move on. Walau emang terkadang muncul potongan2 ingatan, udh gk ada perasaan yang tersisa lagi. Kalaupun ada, sangat sedikit dan hampir tidak terasa. Ditambah lagi, sekarang, gw telah menemukan seorang yang spesial lagi. Dan tentunya, lebih spesial dari sebelumnya :D

Semua yang telah gw lalui ini, bener2 telah menjadi pelajaran yang sangat berharga. Dari heartbreak, sampe moving on. Gw tengah berubah dan gw sudah melihat hasil dari perubahan tersebut. Gw menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik. Dan gw bener2 bahagia.

Walau, ada 1 hal yang mengganggu gw sih. Dia blg klo cmn bsa temenan aja. Tapi pas gw coba ngobrol sedikit sama dia, cuman biar kalo ketemu lgi gk terlalu awkward, dia malah berusaha bwat end the chat ASAP. But oh well, I don't care that much.

Anyways, yeah, as I've mentioned, gw bertemu kembali dengan seorang yang sangat spesial. Dia adalah orang yang bisa disebut sebagai cinta pertama gua kali ya? HAHAHAH. So yeah, gw dulu emg sempet suka sama dia untuk waktu yang lama. 3 tahun kalo gw gk salah inget. Dan di saat itu, dia bener2 ga peduli sama gw. What can I say? I was a lossy guy. Gw bahkan ga pernah ngobrol sama dia dan gw tiba2 confess. It was stupid.. But well, things change. Sekarang gw sama dia udah deket. Dan yang lebih ajaibnya, gw dan dia itu tiba2 jadi deket dalam waktu kurang dari sebulan. I care for her and I'm sure she cares as well. Although it will probably be a long distance since she's studying abroad, if things go smooth that is, it will worth it. I'm sure.