Minggu, 21 Oktober 2012

A Month Worth of Entry :P

Just got home from a trip yesterday and boy, it was tiring hahaha. Well, acaranya adalah outing fakultas selama 3 hari. Ada jurit malam, hiking, dan games. Very standard imo, but there's this one game that's hell fun. The game's name was 'save your life'. Intinya sih kita cmn perlu melindungi api lilin dari serangan2 air para senior. Itu asik banget lol.

But anyhow, selama sekitar sebulan gw gk nge-entry blog ini, ada beberapa hal yang terjadi. Yang pertama adalah gw membaca salah 1 komik favorit gw, Wild Life vol. 24. Di buku itu ada 1 cerita tambahan dengan syair yang keeeereeeen abis. Tapi sayang, gw lupa catet isinya. Nanti klo gw baca lagi, gw catet deh :P. Well, setelah baca itu, kecintaan gw terhadap tata bahasa bangkit kembali. Dan gw mencoba untuk membuat tweet2 gw rhyme. Cukup sulit sih karena membuat tweet2 gw terkesan galau dan menemukan kata2 yang berima itu ga muadh hahaha. But it was fun.

Aside from that, gw sempat berdebat dgn banyak orang karena permasalahan nilai as in school grades. Intinya, orang2 nyuruh gw belajar paling nggak buat nilai di kampus supaya gw tetep lulus n menerima peraturan yg ada di kampus. Gw ngerti klo utk kelulusan, tapi sayangnya, di mindset gw sudah tertanam bahwa gw gk peduli dgn kelulusan dan cmn peduli terhadap kemampuan gw. Sialnya, ada aja org2 yg sengaja mw mempermalukan gw pdhl jelas2 kemampuan gw di atas mereka. Sigh.. but oh well, them humiliating me won't change a thing. Though honestly, it does affect me a bit.

Then there's also this thing bugging me. Its my emotion's development. Gw gk tw apa gw memang selalu seperti ini tapi gw gk sadar ato gk ada suatu dorongan dari lingkungan gw untuk memunculkan bagian yg ini, ato gw emg berubah, but anyways, gw ngerasa kalo gw semakin temperamental, mudah kesal, dan semakin nyolot. Selama outing itu, gw pasti ngerasa kesel di titik2 tertentu. Terutama karena ada cewek yg sok ngatur2 pdhl cengeng dsb. But that doesn't matter does it? I really have to learn control over my emotion and learn to accept or at least, laugh things off. Hahaha

And last, I met this girl who I can say passed all of my criteria. But sadly, this man who is so arrogant, who is able to speak in front of public, try new things, confront people, try doing breakthroughs, and other gutsy things wasn't able to speak to her. Lame isn't it? Dude, where's your courage?

Sabtu, 29 September 2012

Bitter Sweet Life

Things have been great. Semenjak gw masuk uni, tingkat excitementnya bener2 tinggi. All the extracurriculars I'm taking are amazing. Wushu, Pecinta Alam, Radio, dan drama. Oh, gw jg mulai les masak. Some of the few things I really enjoy doing. Kelas psikologi komunikasi jg asik bgt. Although, other subjects are boring and sorta stressing lol. Gw belom apa2 udh remed 5x. Filsafat, neuroscience, scientific writing. Pelajaran yang penting gk penting. Yg bermasalah sebenernya dosennya yg super ngebosenin sih lol. Except for scientific writing. That one is plain lame lol.

To be honest, despite all these joys, these bliss, there are of course, downs. Well, the person you can sorta call.. my crush, had a date recently. Yah.. tapi jujur aja, gw ga terlalu sakit hati sih. Just a bit disapointed. So, it's fine. Tapi abis itu, gw masuk radio dan disana.. *jeng jeng jeng* gw bertemu dengan umm.. gw gk tw panggilnya gmn lol. Well, the girl I really liked. I repeat, LIKED. Past tense. Dan seperti umumnya, gw ga bsa ngobrol dgn dia, dan vice versa. Rasanya sedikit ngeganjel. Awkward and annoying. Gw cmn pengen hubungan yang baik dgn org2 aja. Paling nggak, netral lah. Kalo sampe kyk gini, rasanya sangat amat tidak enak hahaha. Ditambah lagi dengan percakapan gw dengan salah seorang wanita yang.. yah, you know. Pokoknya, intinya, gw ngerasa komunikasi gw dgn org2 yg pernah gw sukai itu tidak terlalu baik. Gw ga tw kenapa. Mungkinkah gw yg emang ga sejago itu dalam komunikasi, ato mereka yg close-minded. Ato mungkin dua-duanya. I don't know.

And why am I talking about the women I liked and crushes? Jawabannya adalahhh *suara drum* gw merasa sedikit kesepian. "OMG! Seorang gw kesepian?" But yeah, gw pun manusia biasa yg bsa kesepian lol. Bagaimanapun juga, sebetapa bahagianya gw, sebetapa sibuknya, dan separah apapun gw mencoba untuk bersenang-senang, tetep aja ada waktu-waktu dimana gw ngerasa kesepian hahaha. Entah kenapa, belakangan ini, gw ngerasa wanita-wanita di sekitar gw itu.. nggak ada yang bener2 bisa membuat gw tertarik. Padahal, banyak yang cantik dan ada beberapa yang lumayan manis. Tapi entah kenapa, gw ga tertarik. Mungkin karena yg menarik udh punya pacar smua kali ya? Dan yg blm punya pacar, antara lebih tua, ato belom bsa gw deketin hahahaha. Yahh.. gw memang masih harus belajar sangat banyak dalam hal komunikasi dengan lawan jenis.. Oh well, guess I'll stop here for the moment. G'nite

Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012

Good Ol' Friend, Good Ol' Time

Today's a really good day. Hung out with friends from high school and had a good chat and good time of course. Found out that my crush had nothing to do with that guy, and ultimately, an old best friend whom I had a fight with, finally became close again. Without any effort of course. Good day, good day.

Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

Camp and University

Last vacation, I went to the Vipassana meditation camp again, and unlike last year's, this one is easier for me to handle despite the slight stress I experienced. Dan camp kali ini, cukup produktif karena gw menyadari beberapa hal.

Yg pertama adalah bagaimana ternyata gw selama ini masih mendendam sama beberapa org karena udh merusak masa kecil gw lol. Well yeah, long story short, gw skrg sedang berusaha untuk menerima dan memaafkan mereka. After all, they made me what I am now.

Selain itu gw jg realized how some people really meant to me and how they've helped me so much. And taught me many things. Seperti bagaimana a woman I liked broke my heart and secara tidak langsung mengajarkan gw bagaimana cara untuk hidup dan bagaimana friends like Brandon and Wisely have helped me through so much.

Dan hari ini, gw masuk lg ke uni. Dan hari ini lumayan menyusahkan dan stressful. Filsafat, sebuah pelajaran yang penting dan ga penting bgt. Bertele2 dan bikin pusing. Ditambah lagi dengan keadaan diri gw yg lumayan tertekan karena Pak Monty, seorang dosen yang sebenarnya hebat, menolak request gw akan presentasi dia dengan tegas. "Nggak! Catet!" He said. Entah kenapa, gw secara tidak langsung tersentak dan tertekan. Di satu sisi, gw agak kecewa karena dia seharusnya tau bagaimana beberapa org bsa belajar lebih baik secara visual atau audio. Dan dia nggak melihat itu. Selain itu, gw jg entah mengapa, menjadi sangat peduli terhadap nilai, padahal, I'm there to study how to be a psychologist. Not how to be a good student.

Memang sih, dia ada benernya jg. Dengan mencatat, gw bsa belajar dgn lbh baik jg bila gw mampu menulis point2 pentingnya. Masalahnya adalah, di presentasi dia, kebanyakan adalah sejarah yg menurut gw gk sepenting itu dan hanya garis besar akan jenis2 psikologi yang berhasil gw mengerti secara langsung dan sangat tidak detail. Well, seenggaknya, dengan gw ke ruangan dia tdi, I had more grasp of what these forms of psychology are. But yeah, something is still bothering and pressured me a bit. Oh well, I'll just have to apply what I learnt. Embrace these feelings, understanding how it'll not last forever and live on. :D

Btw, one thing I really hate about blogging: I kept on losing the feel when I was about to write it. Hahahaha

Senin, 13 Agustus 2012

Lies Oh Lies

A few days ago, I decided to court her and well, i got rejected lol. Sebenernya sih, gw udh siap buat di tolak, and so, as a result, gw gk terlalu sakit hati. But then, there's one problem. In her rejection, she mentioned how we can still be FRIENDS. And guess what? She didn't even bother to read my reply to her rejection.

Jujur, penolakannya sih gk seberapa. Tapi ignorancenya itu.. It hurted me quite a lot. And yeah, gw punya hak untuk marah. I mean, look. Dia bilang mau tetep temenan, tapi malah ga peduli akan reply gw. Apakah itu yang namanya 'STILL BE FRIENDS'? Gw cukup sedih. Dan gw pengen entah gimana caranya, nunjukin apa yang telah dia lakukan. Tapi, oh well, ga ada artinya juga sih lol.

Well, I do the right to be angry and stuff, but then, it'll be an endless cycle of misery. Lagipula, it'll only result me being more sad and think about her again and again and again. Ga ada untungnya. Mending gw enjoy my life and have the time of my life.

Besides my university is really great. I get to learn psychology which I'm very passionate about and I also met a very fine lady in my univ. lol. Oh well, let's just see what will happen next :P

Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012

Spoiler Alert!

Well, this time, I won't write much aside from the review of The Dark Knight Rises (TDKR) and compare the villain the main villains.

In the beginning of TDKR, Batman had to fight a villain named Bane. A disciple of Ra's Al-Ghul, Batman's mentor, who's plan is to destroy Gotham for good.

Well, Bane's persona, as far as I can see and remember, resembles the combination of both Joker and Ra's Al-Ghul. His desire to bring destruction to Batman as an individual as well as Gotham and his ability to 'control' the mass' is pretty similar to Joker although it seems to be a bit inferior, as his method of achieving them is via brute force. Which was Ra's Al-Ghul's path towards Gotham's destruction. He was able to bring Batman into his downfall by beating him into a half-death condition and tortured him by showing the destruction of Gotham. However, this was possible because he had his hands on a nuclear bomb.

The usage of Bane as Batman's nemesis in TDKR successfully improved the 'action' in the movie and added the taste of 'complexity'. Overall, I'd say this movie deserves a 8.5/10. Oh btw, that was based on the villain only. If all of the aspects such as the story line and the portrayal of other characters are counted, I'd give a 9.5/10. But I don't want to spoil too much lol.

Now, the comparison between Bane and Joker. As I've mentioned before, Bane successfully took control of  Gotham by oppression. He was able to bring despair into Batman by beating him in a hand to hand combat and showed that Batman stood no chance. This was possible because Batman had 'retired' for years and wasn't able to unleash his maximum combat potential. Bane in different ways, can be pictured as Gotham's version of Hitler.

Joker, on the other hand, used almost no brute force. What he did was simple. Manipulating the truth and bring doom to Batman's state of mind as well as the city. He was able to destroy Gotham's only hope, Harvey Dent, by dragging him into the dark side and turn him into a murderous villain. He managed to totally twist the meaning of good and bad and made people dance on his hands just like puppets.

As for Ra's Al-Ghul.. nevermind him. It's been quite a while since I last watched Batman Begins and I don't feel like writing anymore lol. Anyways, I prefer Joker out of the 3 villains as he nearly destroyed the city almost without being involved directly.

Btw, I know some of the wordings are off and not as good as other reviewers. But bear with it. I'm not a professional reviewer and I've lost a lot of my vocabularies and I've never been that rich in it to begin with lol.

Jumat, 13 Juli 2012

Food for thought

Don't expect things.
It may not be the way you're seeing it.
It might just be a delusion.
You might be wrong.
Just live on.